
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Murder in the Cathedral by T.S Eliot (Part 1)

        Murder in the Cathedral is a dramatic play composed by T.S Eliot. There are two parts to this play; Part one consists of a chorus of women, three priest, a messenger, Thomas Becket, four tempters and attendants. In the beginning of part one, the messenger addresses the three priest and informs them that the Archbishop, Thomas Becket, has returned. The priest question this because the Archbishop left the King and they fear this is going to cause war even thought the Archbishop seeks peace. All the people of the town are ecstatic to see Becket and are packing the streets to see him. The women chorus do not want the Archbishop to return; they feel he will bring bad upon the town and he is no longer needed in Canterbury. Now, the priests and the women are arguing over Becket, but neither of them know why he has returned or what intentions he brings. Due to the Archbishop arrival, he in convinced on his return he will bring peace and everyone will be happy to see him, not just the towns people. His sudden prescence is causing complications between the chorus women and the priest; they are not seeing eye to eye on if him returning is good or bad. As Thomas stubbles in on the women and priest arguing he is confronted by a tempter. The tempter tries to convince Becket to do certain things that will brighten his future, but Thomas does not fall for it. As part one comes to an end Thomas and the tempter get into a deep conversation and as I kept reading, I noticed Thomas becoming weaker and hesitating more before saying no. Does Becket give in to the tempter, will the priest and chorus women ever get along, does Thomas have good intentioms on returning; hopefully this is all revealed in Part 2.
        When I was reading Murder in the Cathedral, I was captivated by the instant drama that occurred. So much was revealed in a short amount of time, I could not put the book down because I had to keep reading. I felt in part one it was a lot of foreshadowing for part two because that is were Thomas becomes face to face with the king. All the drama that occurred in the beginning is leading into a bigger, more dramatized situation. I mean who doesn't like a good drama? I felt as if the chorus of women helped me as a reader and most likely the audience understand the situation more because they gave another opinion on Thomas's return which made you more interested because you start to question if he is a good or bad guy. Over all, I verily enjoyed part one and cannot wait to update you on what happens in part two!

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