
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Murder in the Cathedral by T.S Eliot (Part 1)

        Murder in the Cathedral is a dramatic play composed by T.S Eliot. There are two parts to this play; Part one consists of a chorus of women, three priest, a messenger, Thomas Becket, four tempters and attendants. In the beginning of part one, the messenger addresses the three priest and informs them that the Archbishop, Thomas Becket, has returned. The priest question this because the Archbishop left the King and they fear this is going to cause war even thought the Archbishop seeks peace. All the people of the town are ecstatic to see Becket and are packing the streets to see him. The women chorus do not want the Archbishop to return; they feel he will bring bad upon the town and he is no longer needed in Canterbury. Now, the priests and the women are arguing over Becket, but neither of them know why he has returned or what intentions he brings. Due to the Archbishop arrival, he in convinced on his return he will bring peace and everyone will be happy to see him, not just the towns people. His sudden prescence is causing complications between the chorus women and the priest; they are not seeing eye to eye on if him returning is good or bad. As Thomas stubbles in on the women and priest arguing he is confronted by a tempter. The tempter tries to convince Becket to do certain things that will brighten his future, but Thomas does not fall for it. As part one comes to an end Thomas and the tempter get into a deep conversation and as I kept reading, I noticed Thomas becoming weaker and hesitating more before saying no. Does Becket give in to the tempter, will the priest and chorus women ever get along, does Thomas have good intentioms on returning; hopefully this is all revealed in Part 2.
        When I was reading Murder in the Cathedral, I was captivated by the instant drama that occurred. So much was revealed in a short amount of time, I could not put the book down because I had to keep reading. I felt in part one it was a lot of foreshadowing for part two because that is were Thomas becomes face to face with the king. All the drama that occurred in the beginning is leading into a bigger, more dramatized situation. I mean who doesn't like a good drama? I felt as if the chorus of women helped me as a reader and most likely the audience understand the situation more because they gave another opinion on Thomas's return which made you more interested because you start to question if he is a good or bad guy. Over all, I verily enjoyed part one and cannot wait to update you on what happens in part two!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Okay so I figured since my blog name and profile picture is focused around volleyball I should at some point write about the sport... So here we go! I started playing volleyball in fourth grade and I'm going to be honest, I was not very good. Before volleyball my main sports were cheerleading, dance and gymnastics. I loved cheerleading and gymnastics, it was so much fun getting ready, performing for huge crowds and meeting new people everywhere I went. Dance was my passion when I was younger, it was a great way to just clear my head and set my self free. I still love dancing but the only dancing I do now is at dances and in my house and car. As I got older juggling dance, cheerleading, gymnastics, volleyball and softball got to difficult; I had to pick my favorite two and I chose volleyball and softball. I was never truly serious about volleyball until I started travel ball in 8th grade, I believe. All the time and money my parents and I were spending was starting to pay off and just in time for tryouts as a freshmen at St.Mark's High school, one of the best schools in Delaware for volleyball. I knew one person going into tryouts and that was the one and only Abbie Mirabella. Abbie and I have been playing volleyball together since fourth grade and she one of the best volleyball players I have ever met and it was an honor playing with her all these years. Anyways, going into tryouts I had the right state of mind, freshmen team sounds awesome. I was going into expecting the worse hoping for the best and lucky for me I got the best. My freshmen year I was lucky enough to make the JV  team at St. Mark's and played for an amazing coach, Coach Strocko, or as I call her Strocko Taco. The team consisted of a great group of girls and it was so much fun. I gained a lot of friends through it and some are still my best friends. The season was coming to an end and but my volleyball career as a freshmen was not. After our last JV game the head coach Nancy and Strocko pulled me and my great friend Tayler aside and gave us the greatest news of all time. They told us we had been pulled up to the varsity team for the state tournament (greatest day ever). I will never forget this day, considering it was amazing and I happened to be eating a cupcake at the time the news was shared and I was so shocked my jaw dropped and the cupcake preceded to fall out. Besides the embarrassing moment, Tayler and I were the first to be pulled up and we were completely honored and grateful. That year, the team went on to win the state championship against Ursuline; the longest game ever considering it went to five games and was neck and neck the entire time. I met some great players that season, Steph Zampini (player of the year), Sam Hall (funniest person ever), Kathleen Wilmonth (prettiest ginger), those were just the seniors but it was an honor playing with all of them. For the next three years I would continue my reign on varsity and would soon become a three year started. My junior year we won the state championship against Archmere, we swept them in three. It was a crazy victory and we were now two time state champs, hoping to make it three next year. Sadly the next two years we would not go on to win the state championship but we still ended up with third both years. As a senior I have never lost at the bob and I thank all the amazing players and coaches for those accomplishments. I met great people along the way who I now consider my family. Lauren Talley, an outstanding volleyball player and my big sister, Kylie Truitt, the best princess volleyball player out there and the greatest big mama, Carly Crajewski, the prettiest and smartest alien and Julia Saccucci, so beautiful and fun. There are so many more people I could name but they haven't graduated yet. St.Mark's Volleyball was the greatest four years of my entire life. I played for some of the greatest coaches around, the prettiest and most talented group of girls, the most amazing fans and of course the most loving family and friends. As a senior I was lucky to be named captain along with two other great volleyball players, Abbie Mirabella and Claudia Seemans. By the end of all four seasons I ended with two state championships, two third place finishes, never losing at the bob, first team all catholic and second team all state. I could not have done it without all the people listed above, my family, fans, friends and so many more. St.Marks volleyball taught me more than I will ever know and it is still hard to think it is over, but the memories will never be forgotten. I am undoubtedly lucky to continue my career as a volleyball player next year at Chest Nut Hill college, playing for a a great coach and the best group of girls. I have never been more excited or nervous for something but I have a feeling I'll be okay. Volleyball at high school and travel has taught me so much, not only about the sport but about life itself. I could play all day and never get tired of it. It is so much fun, so exciting and a great way to escape unnecessary drama. I love volleyball and everything it has put in front of me.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

#6. When Shu Lien says this to Jen, her intention is to get through to her and make her realize what she has been doing is not who she is; she was the puppet of someone else. Shu Lien is saying, no matter where life takes Jen she must stay true to the one thing she knows best' herself. Life is never predictable and opioid never know what obstacles will occur or where they will lead you too. I think Shu Lien said this to Jen because in a short matter of time Jen had already experienced many different paths. She followed the rules of her parents and teachings, next she was running away, sleeping with a man that captured her and then siding with the dark side and fighting the ones who truly cared for her. So, I think Shu Lien was speaking with a sarcastic tone or chuckling when saying this statement because she knows Jen is going to experiment more and discover knew things. Of course she was putting the perspective of everything she has already done. The main idea behind her message was, you have no idea what the future holds and the only possible way you can control it, for better or worse, is if you stay true to yourself. No matter how hard the challenges are, how difficult the temptations are to resist and how confusing people will make life. Jen has to follow her heart and do whatever she feels the best absolute thing to do. The path life takes you down maybe the ugliest, hardest, most turmoil filled path or it maybe the greatest path with a few struggles here or there, whether you end up with one or the other you must stick to your truest self. Too much power and wealth (what some would say is the great path) can change you and bring destruction. Too much turmoil, struggles and saddness (ugliest path) can brake you. The only way to survive these paths is being true to yourself and following your heart (the right path). I believe that is what Shu Lien meant.